Free Browser Power-bar...
Save Time, Effort & Money!


100% Safe... No Spyware, Adware, Malware Hijackers, Phishers or Viruses
  • Surf faster and more accurately...
  • Accomplish more in less time...
  • Save money and shop safely online...
  • Safeguard your privacy...
  • Available for Internet Explorer or Firefox...
The most convenient, benefit-rich toolbar available....
Empower your surfing and your savings with BargainBar -- the unique browser companion that helps you get more of what you want out of your online time -- and out of your wallet! BargainBar isn't just a toolbar -- it's a POWER-bar, unlike any other surfing-aide you may have used... Instantly search for what you seek at more than a half-dozen top search engines or at trusted online merchants. Use built-in tools to protect your identity, surf safely and communicate with friends in a flash. Plus, get the daily "skinny" on the newest, hottest deals, bargains, sales and specials online. No other browser enhancement offers so many helpful shortcuts or so much in savings!
Plus, FREE surprises to win each month...
As an extra "perk," you'll find unannounced free gifts up for grabs every month! What kind of gifts? Could be anything... different every time and always a surprise. From DVD's to games to cameras to clocks to lamps to books to... who knows!? Once or twice each month, on no particular schedule, you'll find the latest surprise hiding in your toolbar. Just click to enter... the winner(s) will be announced the following day. Remember, you'll ONLY be able to find them and enter directly from the BargainBar!
Simple to use, completely free, and absolutely safe!.

BargainBar doesn't require any sign-up or registration; It's completely free and you can remain as anonymous as you want. Once it's installed you'll be able to use it immediately -- no learning curve required. And you have our word that BargainBar contains no spyware, adware, worms, hijackers or anything else that will compromise your privacy or your security... in fact it will help you enhance your security online!

Take a closer look at some of the bar's features if you like, or, better yet, download your own BargainBar and take it for a spin! We're sure you'll be impressed and happy with your new tool but, if not, a simple click will uninstall it immediately and completely remove it from your system. Nothing to lose and much to gain... get your free BargainBar today!

Click to download your BargainBar...
...or here for more details
© BargainBar